Brief; to creare an installation to fill a window based on our memories of our summer, through using our primary sources of drawing, photos, videos, found objects, leaflets etc which we colleted over our 6 week break.
Proposal: I aim to have strong links between my work and the artists which I research and aim to also utilise my experiemnts in an effective way. It will all be contained in a small window. I hope I can reflect my summer experience clearly and creatively.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Cornelia Parker

Cornelia Parker is best known for her Large-scale installations such as Cold Dark Matter; An exploded View (1991) Parker got the British Army to blow up her garden shed in to fragments which she gathered and hung as if it was re-exploding with a white light in the centre. The light created amazing shadows on the walls surrounding from the piece of wood and fragments of her shed. In 1997 Parker created Mass (colder Dark Matter) arranging the charred remains of a church that had been struck by lightening in Texas into an outstanding cube shape suspending from the air. Parker also created the remarkable ’30 pieces of silver’ again suspended from the air, was a series of disked filled with 30 pieces of silver or flattened and all hanging at exactly the same point in the air.

I am intrigued my Parkers work, I think her work is extremely innervate and her use of space in very interesting, particularly I like the way Parker creates shadow in Cold Dark Matter; An Exploded View, I think will out the light in the centre would make the piece completely different and not as exciting. I would hope to work with shadows in my final outcome. Also her precision of hanging everything in the right place is very skilful, I think the I idea of hanging is also something I would like to look into for my outcome as I think it could work very effectively in my window as it would be ascetically pleasing when it is interactive and when the glass closed.

Parker uses a huge range of material it would be imposable to list them all as all her works of art are so different, through out her work they idea of suspension runs through out, also Parker also explores areas of shadow.

A key feature of Parker's work is light and shadow, I hope to incorporate this idea into my final outcome. I am planning to light my objects form underneath this will create shadows in the window. Also at the back of window I'm going to fill jars with objects and then light which will again create shadows which is similar to some of Parker's work.

1 comment:


    This analysis could be extended with you looking in depth at one piece by Parker- as I think she will be a key artist for your instillation.
